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Alert Level 3 School Closed

Feb 14, 2021 | College News

The government has announced that Auckland will return to Alert Level 3 as of 11.59pm on Sunday 14th February for 3 days.

Wentworth College and Primary will be closed at Alert Level 3 apart from students of essential workers.

The school will be closed on Monday 15th February to allow our teachers to collect resources, and prepare for online delivery. Online lessons will commence from Period 1, Tuesday 16th February.

Students may come in to collect books before noon on Monday, but please observe mask wearing guidelines if you enter the school. We urge you to keep your children at home unless you are an essential worker.

Students of keyworkers may come to school, however, please note, no school buses are operating tomorrow.  Please notify Mr Lee, Head of College, or Mr Dorset, Head of Primary, or if you are a keyworker and intend to send your child to school. Parents will receive an email tomorrow explaining how online lessons will work and how to access them.

We have done this successfully before, and hopefully this will be a short interruption, and we will be back at school later this week.

UPDATED INFORMATION can be found on our website here


09 424 3273

